PLEASE NOTE: Léman’s birthday cut off for PK2, PK3, PK4 and K is December 31.

Interested in joining Léman? Limited openings available for the 2024-2025 school year. Mid-year enrollment is available. Submit an application on Ravenna as soon as possible.

Applications for 2025-2026 are now open. To view upcoming tour dates, click here. Contact our Admissions Team with any questions.

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About Léman

Léman Community Association

The Léman Community Association (LCA) is a non-profit parent organization that fosters a sense of strong community at our school and enriches the experiences of all Léman students, parents and faculty. Through a wide range of events and fundraising efforts, the LCA generous contributes to the life of our school and the experiences of our families.

Led by a dedicated and committed Board of Directors, and supported by many parent volunteers across the school, the LCA plays an important role in connecting families across academic divisions, welcoming new families to Léman, fostering school pride, and funding horizon-changing opportunities for students and faculty.

Student Enrichment

The Léman experience is differentiated by myriad travel, language, athletic and after school enrichment opportunities for students. To ensure all students can take advantage of the full range of offerings at Léman, the LCA provides important financial support to students throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to, Léman Plus After School Programming, overnight class trips to destinations such as Frost Valley and Nature's Classroom, and the Annual Middle School Global Games. In addition, the LCA sponsors and organizes events across the entire school to bring students together outside of class and foster fun, community and a sense of Léman pride.

Parent Enrichment

To build connections among parents, the LCA hosts breakfasts, coffees and evening receptions throughout the year. From Welcome Breakfasts for new families, each fall to Grade Cocktail Parties and the Annual Spring Gala, the LCA frequently coordinates social gatherings for parents so they can support each other, serve as helpful resources, and have fun! LCA Liaisons serve as Class/Grade Parent Coordinators, bringing together representatives from each grade to coordinate communications by classroom and grade to unify our parent body and provide a forum for discussing relevant school topics.

Teacher Enrichment

The LCA supports the professional development of Léman faculty through the Teacher Innovation Grant Program, which funds proposals from teachers who present compelling and unique ideas for enriching student learning at Léman. The Grant Program has successfully funded a new Broadcast Journalism Studio, a Physics Cloud Chamber, a Buddy Bench at the 41 Broad St Rooftop Playground, and a World Language Spring Break Trips to Shanghai. The LCA is committed to supporting teachers' opportunities to hone their craft and challenge themselves and Léman students.

Engaged Parents

The Léman Community Association, led by a dedicated board of parents and faculty, drives collaboration and a sense of community across our school through social events and fundraising throughout the year to enrich the experience of all individuals at Léman. Together, we celebrate the distinct aspects of the Léman experience through student, parent and faculty enrichment initiatives led by the LCA.

Book Fair

The historic Broad Street Ballroom is transformed into a literary wonderland each November, where students visit the Fair with their classmates and parents to be inspired by new titles and challenge themselves as readers. A portion of book sales is contributed to ongoing LCA enrichment activities.

International Festival

This wonderful event brings together families and faculty representing the dozens of countries that make up our international community to share their cuisines and cultures with others. Students visit each country's "table" and get their "passport" stamped, as they learn about the heritage and traditions of their classmates and faculty.

Spring Gala

This annual benefit for a great cause is not to be missed. Our entire community is invited to celebrate the Léman experience at this special event featuring creative and engaging themes such as Great Gatsby, Havana Nights, Casino Royale and Kentucky Derby. Funds raised from a silent auction of five-star excursions, luxury items and one-of-a-kind art help support the LCA's enrichment and community building initiatives.

Family Socials

These informal all-school events after dismissal bring students and parents together around the universal language of food. From ice cream to waffles and Dinges, our Family Socials are opportunities for the Léman community to interact across grade and division as part of our one-school philosophy.

Spirit Wear

Léman community members sport their spirit wear to show off their school pride wherever they go. Spirit wear sales are one of the many ways the LCA raises funds to support enrichment initiatives that make Léman's community great. Shop the Spirit Wear store!

Parent-Faculty Basketball Game

With students courtside roaring with cheers, parents and faculty face off each March in this high-stakes basketball game in the Morris Gym. 2017 was the first year the parents have ever won! Stay tuned to see if they can maintain their winning streak this spring.

Ways To Give

The Léman parent body generously supports the LCA Foundation to assist students with trips, instrument rentals, Léman Plus activities, prom, lectures, and workshops. It also establishes a wonderful grant process for teachers to help launch programs that further enhance the Léman learning experience. Help us make it even bigger this year!

Make a Donation Now


The LCA needs your help to make events a success. Volunteering is a fun way to get involved. Your time commitment can be as little as a few hours or as much as chairing an event. If you are interested, please email

Explore the Léman experience for your child.

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